CLEAR TLC - a communication model for culturally competent emergency preparedness
Drawing on the models posited by scholars such as Spialek et al. (2016) on their proposition about communication ecology in emergencies and disasters, and Campinha-Bacote’s (2002) constructs of cultural competence, and Marlowe et al.’s (2018) attributes in community engagement, we propose the CLEAR TLC Model: Engaging for Culturally Competent Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (see below). Our communication model describes principles that can build cultural competence of emergency service providers in engaging with CaLD communities and protocols for emergency agencies to embed in their whole-of-organisation approach to cultural competence. The model demonstrates that cultural competence should be endorsed by senior management, so resources and support are provided to middle managers (e.g., fire station managers) all the way to the frontliners (e.g. firefighter crews).