Our research team was thrilled to be invited to this year’s Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC) Conference to present findings from our research project on community risk reduction.
QF Melinda McDonald and Dr. Kate Delmo, on behalf of co-researcher Dr. Natalie Krikowa and the rest of the team, spoke about building community resilience in emergencies and disasters through culturally appropriate risk communication practices. Our presentation focused on principles that our research participants from the fire services sector and members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in NSW highlighted in building cultural competency in emergency and disaster preparedness.
The principles are summarised in our study’s proposed CLEAR TLC Model in Cultural Competency. The model informs the practical output of our project, a co-designed smartphone app prototype that packages risk reduction information from a multicultural lens, one of the pioneering initiatives in CALD communication in emergency and disaster preparedness in NSW.
This project team is grateful to our industry Reference Panel composed of emergency responders from various agencies in the country, our research assistants from UTS, local agencies that helped us connect with CaLD communities, and our research participants.