Qualified Firefighter Melinda McDonald
Research Officer
Fire and Rescue NSW
Qualified Firefighter Melinda McDonald brings her experience both as an operational firefighter and strategic communication professional to research into communications in public safety. Her focus is the scope to reduce risk, and increase community resilience, through a greater understanding of diverse stakeholders, and more effective engagement and communication.
melinda.mcdonald@fire.nsw.gov.au | Churchill Fellow | LinkedIn
Dr Kate Delmo
Head of Discipline, Strategic Communication
School of Communication, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Kate Delmo's research interests are in issues and crisis communication, disaster risk communication and digital influencers. Dr Delmo is currently working on the following research projects: 1) cross-cultural mobile app usage in disaster risk communication, 2) digital visual ethnography in disaster risk communication and community engagement, and 3) social media in government risk communication (cross-comparative study between Australia and Indonesia).
kate.delmo@uts.edu.au | UTS Profile | LinkedIn
Dr Natalie Krikowa
Senior Lecturer, Digital and Social Media
School of Communication, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Natalie Krikowa’s research focuses on the intersection of media technology, cultural practices, and social justice, with a particular emphasis on giving voice to marginalised communities. Natalie’s work examines how digital platforms can be leveraged to amplify underrepresented narratives and influence public discourse.

We are fortunate to have a wonderful research team, dedicated to the project and the communities we hope to help.
Meet our amazing research assistants:
Dr Evangeline Aguas
Ms Olivia Allison
Ms Veronica Alwan
Dr Thi Ha Do
Mr Jeffrey Millar
Ms Ivy Vuong
We have also loved having our Digital and Social Media students help facilitate user testing workshops with our community members, so a huge thank you to:
Yuan (Bonnie) Cao
Hualin (Lynn) Chen
Sofia Ignacio
Qihan (Clara) Wang
Ruyun (Chris) Weng